about us
allure boutique camas
your one-stop destination for every style, trend, occasion +more
hello friends, welcome to allure boutique!
you will find styles that are unique, effortless, easy and comfortable!
we're dedicated to giving you the very best of customer service, dependability and unique styles at an affordable price.
allure was established in 2016, located at the historical hotel in the heart of downtown Camas, Washington.
people often ask why I decided to open up a boutique.... do you have a couple of minutes? :-)
I was having coffee with Carrie, the director of Downtown Camas Association, to offer my time as a volunteer to help downtown.
by end of our coffee date, I walked away with an emotional commitment to opening up a women's clothing store right across from the coffee shop where the space was becoming available. I couldn't sleep because I was filled with so much excitement! shortly after, I packed my bag and went to LA
fashion week to buy inventory for the store.
I had 3 weeks to renovate, paint, fill up the store with beautiful and fun products, hire amazing ladies to help, plan a grand opening and finally breathe.
well, we did it! I had amazing help from friends and family.
at first, I was so nervous and worried that no one would show up to the event, but that quickly turned into a worry of whether I'd have enough product for everyone.
I made mistakes, learned, and stumbled my way through learning how to run a business. It wasn't easy but I hustled and took one day at a time.
I am so ever grateful for all of our customers, I know I couldn't have done it without you!
I hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you.
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.
with love
Bobbi Lee, owner
Bobbi Lee, owner